Welcome to the documentation for pygame inputs
You can install pygame inputs through the command line using the ‘pip’ command or downloading one of the releases from github
PIP installation:
pip install pygameinputs
github installation
- Download the version of pygame inputs from the releases that you want
- Open your python directory on your computer (If you don’t know where this is you will have to look this up based on your operating system)
- Go to your python version folder -> lib -> site-packages
- paste the pygame inputs folder here
Getting Started
Creating the event loop
import pygame # import pygame
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
win = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) # Creates a window of 500 x 500 pixels in size
def update():
win.fill((60, 60, 60)) # sets the background of the window to a RGB colour of 60, 60, 60
pygame.display.update() # Updates the display every frame
run = True
while run:
clock.tick(60) # sets the maximum frame rate to 60 fps
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # checks if the close button is pressed
run = False # if the close button was pressed then it will stop the main loop
update() # Calls the update function
pygame.quit() # stops pygame and closes the window
Important! The latest version to be released soon has a bug fix with cursors
To fix the cursors you need to check the hover states of all the inputs against each other and then change the cursor back to the default cursor of your choice. The code should look something like:
def update(): # Uses the update loop from above with added inputs as an example
win.fill((60, 60, 60))
if button1.hover == TextBox1.hover == Slider1.hover == False: # Checks that all of the inputs are in their default state
pygame.mouse.set_cursor(pygame.SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW) # Changes the cursor to the default arrow
Please note this update is not available yet. Doing this will not make any difference in the way your program reacts until the library has been updated. We highly reccomend you update the code to look like this so you don’t have any bugs when the update is released
Button Creation
Text Box Creation
Labels Creation
Sliders Creation
Everything is up to date for version 0.1.4